Fishing Report for Twin Buttes Reservoir, TX, Tom Green County
Current Weather Conditions:
- Water Temperature: 73°F
- Current Air Temperature: 36.61°F Max / 22.2°F Min
- Wind:
- Avg Speed: 9.59 mph
- Max Speed: 13.14 mph
- Wind Gust: 22.26 mph
- Pressure: 29.68 inHg
- Visibility: Clear
7-Day Weather Forecast:
- May 24:
- Condition: Clear
- Temperature: 36.61°F Max / 22.33°F Min
- Wind: 14.96 mph
- Best Fishing Window: Sunrise to Noon
Lure Pattern: Topwater frog due to low pressure
May 25:
- Condition: Mostly Clear
- Temperature: 37.8°F Max / 19.34°F Min
- Wind: 18.69 mph
- Best Fishing Window: Noon to Sunset
Lure Pattern: Crankbait if no surface action
May 26:
- Condition: Clear
- Temperature: 36.75°F Max / 23.49°F Min
- Wind: 19.25 mph
- Best Fishing Window: Noon to Sunset
Lure Pattern: Jig near drop-offs
May 27:
- Condition: Clear
- Temperature: 38.19°F Max / 16.82°F Min
- Wind: 12.8 mph
- Best Fishing Window: Sunrise to Noon
- Lure Pattern: Spinnerbaits in open water
Key Fish Behavior Analysis:
- Trout: Active in the morning due to clear conditions.
- Bass: More aggressive during warm-ups, target drop-offs in the afternoon.
- Perch: Seek cover during windy days, try lighter jigging techniques.
Actionable Hotspot & Technique Advice:
- Bass: Target western shores with swimbaits during sustained east winds.
- Trout: Focus near drop-offs with jigs during calm mornings.
Optimal Fishing Windows:
- May 24: Sunrise to Noon
- May 25: Noon to Sunset
- May 26: Noon to Sunset
- May 27: Sunrise to Noon
Lure Pattern Suggestions:
- Start with a topwater frog and switch to a crankbait or spinnerbait based on fish response.
Water Temperature Insights:
- Trout: More active in cooler morning temperatures, focus on shallow areas.
- Bass: Thrive in warmer waters, target deeper drop-offs for feeding opportunities.
- Perch: Shy during rapid temperature changes, switch to lighter jigs for better results.
Tackle Recommendations:
- Trout: Light spinning rod with 6-8 lb test line.
- Bass: Medium-heavy baitcasting rod with 12-15 lb fluorocarbon line.
- Perch: Ultralight spinning rod with 4-6 lb monofilament line.
Safety Reminders:
- Always be aware of changing weather conditions and safety protocols on the water.
- Ensure you have the appropriate gear and follow local fishing regulations for a successful and safe fishing trip.
Let’s ensure you make the most of your fishing adventure at Twin Buttes Reservoir! Tight lines and happy fishing!
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