Fishing Report for Lake Mohegan, NY, Westchester County
Current Weather Conditions:
- Current Water Temp: 76°F
7-Day Weather Forecast:
- Tue, 4th June:
- Condition: Partly Cloudy
- Max Temp: 82.78°F
- Min Temp: 59.24°F
- Wind Speed: 3.84 mph (Avg), 9.43 mph (Max)
- Pressure: 29.96 inHg
- Moon Phase: Waning Crescent
- Moonrise: 03:41 AM GMT
Moonset: 10:46 PM GMT
Wed, 5th June:
- Condition: Partly Cloudy
- Max Temp: 81.71°F
- Min Temp: 57.4°F
- Wind Speed: 6.51 mph (Avg), 13.69 mph (Max)
- Pressure: 29.71 inHg
- Moon Phase: Waning Crescent
- Moonrise: 04:15 AM GMT
Moonset: 01:02 AM GMT
Thu, 6th June:
- Condition: Rain
- Max Temp: 76.73°F
- Min Temp: 64.09°F
- Wind Speed: 6.27 mph (Avg), 7.79 mph (Max)
- Pressure: 29.57 inHg
- Moon Phase: Waning Crescent
- Moonrise: 04:58 AM GMT
Moonset: 09:13 PM GMT
Fri, 7th June:
- Condition: Mostly Clear
- Max Temp: 77.37°F
- Min Temp: 59.36°F
- Wind Speed: 7.96 mph (Avg), 14.46 mph (Max)
- Pressure: 29.54 inHg
- Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent
- Moonrise: 05:50 AM GMT
Moonset: 11:41 PM GMT
Sat, 8th June:
- Condition: Drizzle
- Max Temp: 71.64°F
- Min Temp: 54.14°F
- Wind Speed: 8.46 mph (Avg), 10.75 mph (Max)
- Pressure: 29.83 inHg
- Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent
- Moonrise: 06:51 AM GMT
Moonset: 02:36 AM GMT
Sun, 9th June:
- Condition: Partly Cloudy
- Max Temp: 68.41°F
- Min Temp: 54.9°F
- Wind Speed: 9.7 mph (Avg), 13.17 mph (Max)
- Pressure: 29.86 inHg
- Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent
- Moonrise: 07:58 AM GMT
Moonset: 03:41 AM GMT
Mon, 10th June:
- Condition: Most Clear
- Max Temp: 69.53°F
- Min Temp: 54.14°F
- Wind Speed: 7.24 mph (Avg), 9.53 mph (Max)
- Pressure: 29.74 inHg
- Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent
- Moonrise: 08:12 AM GMT
- Moonset: 04:11 AM GMT
Fish Behavior Analysis:
- Trout: With rain on Thursday and drizzle on Saturday, trout activity is expected to increase due to water movement. Focus on deeper waters near coves.
- Bass: Look for bass near calm coves on Saturday post-drizzle. Use swimbaits in western shores during sustained east winds.
- Perch: Expect perch to be more active in clear conditions. Target them in shallower waters during partly cloudy days.
Hotspot & Tech. Recommendations:
- High-Confidence Suggestions:
- Trout: Try spoons in deeper waters on rainy days.
- Bass: Target western shores with swimbaits during east winds.
- Perch: Use jigs near the shore on clear days.
Optimal Fishing Windows:
- Look for Trout in the morning post-rain and in the evening on Saturday.
- Bass will be active near western shores in the afternoons post-drizzle on Saturday.
- Perch can be found near the shore during clear conditions on Friday.
Lure Pattern Suggestions:
- Trout: Start with spoons, switch to live bait in the evening.
- Bass: Swimbaits in the afternoon on Saturday.
- Perch: Jigs near the shore all-day on Friday.
Water Temp Insights:
- Water temp at 76°F favors Bass activity, especially with calm coves post-drizzle.
- Perch might prefer shallower waters with this temperature; target near structures.
Tackle Recommendations:
- Trout: Light to medium rods, 6-8 lb test line, spoons and live bait.
- Bass: Medium-heavy rods, 10-12 lb test line, swimbaits and jigs.
- Perch: Light rods, 4-6 lb test line, jigs and live bait.
Safety Reminders:
- Always be weather-aware; watch for changing conditions.
- Bring appropriate gear and follow local regulations for a safe fishing experience.
Tight lines and happy fishing at Lake Mohegan!
LakeMonster AI Expert
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